As per Government of India Rules 9gi, mha, om no. 60/17/64-Ests (A) dated the 4th August, 1965) if a Government servant has some urgent personnel work which does not require a full day’s casual leave, in such case half a day’s casual leave may be applied for by a Government servant and practice of allowing a Government servant to attend office late (i.e., late coming with permission is not allowable).
Jawaharlal Institute of Post Graduate Medical Education & Research
(An Institution of National Importance under Ministry of Health & Family Welfare)
Government of India
Dhanwantari Nagar, Puducherry – 605 006
No. Admn.I.8(08)/2018
Dated: 25 Nov 2021
Sub: Clarification about permission per month – Reg.
Ref: Letter No. H.O/3(7)2021 dated 12.10.2021, received from M.S.Office
With reference to the above, I am directed to state that there is no provision of two permissions per month as a matter of right to any Government employee. As per Government of India Rules [GI, MHA, OM No. 60/17/64-Ests (A) dated the 4th August, 1965] if a Government servant has some urgent personnel work which does not require a full day’s casual leave, in such case half a day’s casual leave may be applied for by a Government servant and practice of allowing a Government servant to attend office late (i.e., late coming with permission is not allowable). However, in the case a Government servant having exhausted his casual leave, attends office late up to one hour at a time for unavoidable reasons such as illness in the family, late running of buses trains etc. then such late attendance may be condoned on not more than two occasions in the month. However, if he attends the office late on subsequent occasions in the month, disciplinary action may be taken against him.
The above instructions may be brought to the knowledge of all employees under your control.
(Dr. Krishna Gopal, IRS)
Deputy Director (Admn.)